Monday 4th September 2017

Last week was the last of the summer holidays for many with children, but that didn’t stop some of the older generation from taking a break as well. So we were without Alan, Adrian and Keith last Wednesday, but this did not stop progress being made in various directions.

The cabin now has a glossy shine to itWith the weather looking reasonable last Wednesday, John and Tim applied a gloss coat of paint to the side of the new mess room that will be up against the shed wall when it is moved, hopefully some time in September. For those worried about painting the door, it swings inwards and so can be painted at any time!

The RMB servery area almost back in one pieceMike and Paul have continued work on the interior of the RMB with the servery heater guards being fitted and a new heater guard for one of the saloons being finished off and painted. John has been replacing some of the architraves around the doors where they have been damaged during the welding repairs.

Howard working on one of Caliban's sand boxesDespite the absence of other members of the team, Howard has continued his efforts to repair Caliban‘s sanding gear and can be seen here with one of the sand boxes.

Work continues on painting the tender framesFred and Roger have continued their task of painting Wootton Hall‘s tender frames, which are now beginning to look very smart, and Keith also appeared on Friday to carry on his work on the running plate.

Ready for the Heritage Open DaysDavid has made up a presentation board recording Wootton Hall‘s history in readiness for the opening up of the shed for the Heritage Open Days this next weekend. John making a stand for David's Wootton Hall presentationJohn is seen here making it some legs. Do come along this weekend to see progress. And don’t forget, it is also the Ribble Steam Railway’s Autumn Steam Gala.

Tuesday 29th August 2017

Just like the dustbin collections, the blog has been delayed this week by a day owing to the Bank Holiday…

Alan, John H and Adrian appeared again last Wednesday to continue their good works on Caliban. Alan spent some time attending to the rusted areas on Caliban‘s cab.

John D started to compile his snagging list for the interior of the RMB and searched for various missing bits of wood to complete repairs. John at work on the new cabinHe then joined Tim on Friday to complete the rub down on the east facing wall of the new cabin and to apply a layer of dark grey undercoat. Undercoat completeIt is hoped to be able to put on the top coat this next Wednesday, which should match the RMB’s roof colour. David came in on Saturday to clear away the stones and earth from around the bottom of the cabin to allow access.

Mike and Paul fitted extracted some stubborn broken screws from the servery area foot rest and then fitted it along with the table. It’s all beginning to look very smart.

Fred and Roger hard at it with paint brushesFred and Roger have been hard at it with paint brushes again on the tender frames. Keith drilling more holes in the new piece of running plateKeith, meanwhile has been drilling more holes in the new running plate for Wootton Hall.

The 14 month boiler certificate for 5643 has now expired so Keith is looking to form a working party for next weekend to start on the necessary work to enable it to gain a new certificate. Please let Keith know if you are available to lend a hand.

Andrew Furness and Derek Milby visited Preston last Saturday and Andrew donated a new petrol driven pressure washer that should be very useful.

Finally, Alan and Alison have gone off on a short break to Cromer and called in at Shackerstone on Sunday for a ride behind Cumbria. What a great looking loco!Alan with CumbriaThey also visited Rocks by Rail for a ride in the FRT’s LMS brake van.

Monday 21st August 2017

Another inter-holiday news burst for you before things get back to normal…!

We are sorry to have to start by recording the passing of Jim Jackson (“Captain Birdseye” to some), former skipper of the MV Teal on Windermere who died at St Mary’s Hospice, Ulverston, on the 27th July at the age of 88. Jim served on the Windermere steamers for 42 years, following his father, also Jim, into the business. Those crewing trains on the L&HR could always expect a wave from the bridge from Jim followed, perhaps, by a pithy comment which kept you on your toes. Jim married Pam, who worked on the admin side of the steamer operation, and they lived at Railway Cottages, Newby Bridge, Jim’s home since the age of four. Our thoughts are with Pam and family at this sad time.

The tender frames during the process of receiving a coat of primerThere has again been more progress at Preston, the highlight being the shot blasting of the tender frames, which have now also been primed, with most available working members lending a hand with the paint brush. John and Fred painting the tender frames from Wootton HallThe frames are now in the process of receiving undercoat paint. Wootton Hall's freshened up front buffer beamWork has also continued on Wootton Hall‘s engine, with more of the replacement metal for the running board being cut and the buffer beam being filled, sanded and primed; the latter will enable the buffers to be bolted on again. And Matt has been busy making new nuts for the cylinder and valve studs.

Paul re-installs the buffet counter doorThe cupboards and bum rest re-installed in the RMBThe RMB, lino laying now completed, has received further attention from Mike and Paul who have re-installed the buffet sliding door and the cupboards and “bum rest” in the servery area.

Adrian cleaning the inside of one of Caliban's sand boxesHoward with John H as he takes a break from cleaning Caliban's cab.There has been more attention given to Caliban, with Adrian working on the frames and sand boxes, John H in the cab, and Howard on the sanding gear.

Ed Tatham, Phil Preston and Keith Brewer levelling track on road three of the shedMore progress has also been made with levelling the track on road three of the unheated portion of the shed, with Ed, Phil and Keith seen here.

Finally, Alan and Tim were at Shildon on Friday for a training session on the new rule book and newly issued procedures. There then followed a further practical assessment on FR 20. The locomotive was again used on Saturday for more crew assessments as well as for operating a passenger service.

Wednesday 9th August 2017

A quick inter-holiday blog update for you before Neil goes on vacation. And there has been plenty happening at Preston to cover.

John unrolls the last piece of lino for the RMBJohn is seen above unrolling the last piece of lino for fitting in the RMB, which he completed today. Well done! It looks great!

There has been more work on Caliban with Alan, John H, Howard and Adrian to the fore. Caliban's cab retrieved for sand blastingThe cab has been brought round to the shed in case there is time to sand blast it tomorrow with Wootton Hall‘s tender frames. The cab attracted some atttentionAs you will see from the photo, it attracted some interest and Alan is seen making some modifications to the bunker.Alan removing the internal bunker

Howard has been cleaning up threads on the sanding gear.

Newly cut running plate for Wootton HallThere has been more work also on Wootton Hall where Keith has been cutting new plate to replace the running boards above the cylinders, which had corroded beyond economic repair. Fred has again been cleaning components.

Matt Bedford running a die nut down Wootton Hall's studs for the left hand cylinderMatt Bedford has been continuing the task on running a die nut over the studs for the cylinder cover.

The reverser handle casting for Wootton HallA new reversing handle casting for Wootton Hall has appeared, purchased from the Betton Grange team. No doubt Keith would appreciate any contributions towards the cost..

Inside the new mess roomWe show a first photo of the interior of the new mess facility. Plans are being made to re-site it and have it plumbed in, hopefully in the not too distant future. Meanwhile, we have taken delivery of some surplus chairs from the RSR which will be used in the mess room and also for future meetings at Preston.

Looking forward, it is now planned to steam FR 20 for training purposes at Shildon on the 18th and 19th August. Also, a Folk evening is being planned at the RSR for the Saturday evening of the Diesel Gala, 30th September – further details will be published when the event is finalised.

Monday 31st July 2017

The blog is back in business after a short break for holidays. However, that doesn’t mean that everyone has had time off!

First we return to the acquisition of the new portable office where, at last, we have been able to obtain the keys to be able to enter the building for the first time. There is a certain analogy here to the TV programme “Storage Hunters” (no, we don’t watch it either), where people bid to buy locked containers full of “stuff”, which may or may not have some value. Whilst the main point of purchasing the portable office was to provide future messing facilities for the Trust’s volunteers, we had no idea what may have been left inside, hence the appeal in the previous blog for tables and chairs etc. When the door was finally opened there was a pleasant surprise, for the office still contained chairs and melamine topped tables, as well as a filing cabinet and wipe boards. So thanks to those who answered the plea with the offer of chairs, but it appears that we are OK for the moment. Just to top everything off, one of our members has very generously donated a brand new fridge freezer to start off the acquisition of kitchen facilities. Fantastic! No doubt there will be plenty of space now to display Alison’s collection of fridge magnets!

But back to work. John happy at his workJohn has continued his lino laying in the RMB and should hopefully move into the servery area this next week, where the melamine panels and metal beading strips are now securely in place after attention from Mike and Paul. Mike screwing in beadingPaul fixing a door runnerAfter screwing in the beading, Paul has been cleaning up the corner cupboards and assisting Tim with replacing a sliding door runner and with refitting the door itself. David has also removed the buffet door and bottom runner ready for the new lino.

Alan, John H and Adrian have again been busy on Caliban, with Adrian continuing to find places on the frames to attack with the needle gun and angle grinder. Alan has been investigating the condition of the cylinders and Howard now has some steel bar to enable him to make up the sanding actuators.

Fred cleaning one of Wootton Hall's brake beamsFred has again been busy cleaning some of Wootton Hall‘s brake components…. Roger applying a die nut to one of Wootton hall's brake beams…whilst Roger has been cleaning up the threads on the end of the brake beams using a rather unconventional bench to support them! George has, amongst other things, been needle gunning the running plate. Matt has been cleaning up threads on the studs for the cylinder covers whilst Keith has continued to fit lubrication pipework.

Alan Ogden with Fluff's refurbished ammeterfluff's refurbished ammeter We mustn’t forget the continuing work on Fluff where Alan Ogden has finished refurbishing the ammeter.

Alison and Alan had a weekend away in West Cumbria and look what came along the street in Maryport a week last Saturday – the Ratty’s “Train from Spain” hauled by a showman’s engine with a familiar looking minder err doing the minding! Maryport street findLooking forward, Alan and Alison are due to head off to Shildon this next weekend for FR 20’s next steamings and a person has been engaged to sand blast Wootton Hall‘s tender frames on the 10th August.

Monday 17th July 2017

The FRT's new homeWe start this week with the news that the Trustees have agreed the purchase of the portable office on the Ribble Steam Railway site, close to the FRT shed, that was formerly used by the Amber Trains training company. The acquisition of such a building for a mess room had been planned for some time, but the project has been on hold waiting for space alongside the shed to be cleared. The fact that this building is already on site and would otherwise have been returned to the hirer meant that a deal beneficial to both parties, which saved on transport costs, could be done. David has now transferred across the money to complete the purchase, so all we need now are some tables, chairs, kitchen units and the hanging baskets..!

The AGM took place in the shed last week and lasted precisely 51 minutes according to our Secretary. All reports were given, accepted and resolutions duly passed without problem, much to the relief of the Chairman who was suffering from toothache! Despite the teaser in last week’s blog, our Treasurer escaped the meeting without having to answer a single question about the accounts – perhaps they just looked too complicated! Keith managed to be present, coughing and spluttering after his illness last week, but was on the way to recovery.  Thanks to Alan and Alison for the tea, coffee and cakes for the après AGM session, which gave members the chance to have a chat and look at progress on the current projects.

Lino laying in the RMB is making slow but steady progress. However, this may be interrupted this week by David’s discovery on Saturday of an unexpected small hole in the floor when removing old lino. Looks as if John might be back to using the welder again this week.

Paul Newton makes a welcome returnMike Rigg at work with an RMB window frame.There has, however, been considerable progress with the re-installation of the melamine panels in the RMB, assisted by the welcome return of Paul Newton on Friday. The photographs speak for themselves. There is, however, still plenty to do before this job is finished.

Alan was missing last Wednesday – something to do with mistakenly having put an angle grinder blade through the electric cables whilst repairing the long suffering rear bumper of his campervan. John H continued with grinding weld on Caliban‘s newly repaired running plate (quote: “you soon get tired whilst working when you get older”) whilst Adrian worked once more on the frames which are beginning to look as if someone cares about them.

Fred at work on Wootton HallFred and Roger appeared on Friday and continued their work on cleaning components. Fred is seen here using the needle gun on Wootton Hall‘s cylinder block. Keith and Matt have also been at work on the loco.

Alan Ogden at workAnd we mustn’t forget the continuing work on Fluff, where Alan Ogden has been refurbishing the electrical termination boxes.

School holidays arrive this next weekend, so there will be no blog next Monday.

Monday 10th July 2017

A shorter blog this week as attendances at Preston have been lower than usual with a bout of absenteeism due to sickness, home decoration and visits away.

However, progress was made on the RMB where David had removed more of the old lino and John, having finished repairing the door entrances, was coerced into lending a hand with (or taking charge of!) the laying of the new lino. John on his knees with the linoThere was much measuring and double checking of measurements on Wednesday and Friday as the lino was cut and it is hoped to be able to glue some of it down permanently this next week. Re-instatement of the panelling in the servery area has had to take a back seat during Mike’s absence but no doubt its time will come.

Elsewhere progress on Wootton Hall has been thwarted by Keith’s sickness, although Matt made an appearance of Saturday to shatter the peace. John Houghton grinding off weld on Caliban's running boardAdrian had a quiet day under Caliban with the paintbrush on Wednesday whilst Alan and John H continued their work on the running board repairs. Howard did further work on the sanding gear whilst Alan Ogden (who seems to be commuting between Lancashire and Devon) re-appeared to work on Fluff.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) sees the AGM in the shed at Preston at 7.30 pm. Please remember to bring along your copies of the agenda, minutes of the last AGM and the accounts – not to mention your detailed questions for David on such subjects as the reasons for movements in the Deferred Income account etc.! Alan says that he will be bringing along his large teapot for the occasion.

Monday 3rd July 2017

We’ve reached July already – where has the first half of the year gone?! Well there’s been quite a bit of progress on our projects during that time and that has continued in the last week.

Trial fitting of melamine panelsMike has been fitting more wood in the buffet car and arranged a trial fit of the melamine panels in the servery area to check the location of the securing holes for the ‘bum rest’ which has then to be fitted and aligned with suitable wooden backing pieces behind the melamine. Mike rivetting the gas box signMike also refitted the original sign back on to the old gas box door. Tim laying linoTim took the plunge and cut the first piece of lino to rough dimensions ready for detailed fitting whilst John continued his task of repairing the flooring at the door entrances and also started the task of setting the brass door treads into the floor.

Alan weldingThere has been more fitting and welding of new pieces for Caliban‘s new running board. Howard making a square holeStaying with Caliban, Howard has been preparing the tooling for creating a square hole in the new piece of sanding gear.

Fred cleaning the bracketFred has been busy again with the wire brush cleaning up a borrowed cylinder lubrication bracket which is to be used as a pattern for a new one for Wootton Hall. Matt painting Wootton Hall's cylindersMatt has again been busy with the paintbrush priming the Hall’s cylinders.

Don’t forget that the AGM will be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 11th July at the new shed at Preston.

Cumbria badgeAnd finally, Alison has now received a new batch of Cumbria badges (sponsored by a member) to add to the 5643 badges displayed last week – why not buy one of each at £3.95 per badge?

Monday 27th June 2017

Members should by now have received the latest edition of The Iron Horse along with the Trustees’ report and Accounts for 2016 and an invitation to attend the forthcoming AGM on the evening of the 11th July. Let us know if by chance there has been a hitch in the despatch system for your documents.

John was away visiting a carriage on another railway (is there no limit to his love of carriages?!) last Wednesday and Adrian was tied up with work, so we could all breathe without ear defenders and dust masks!

Mike at work in the RMBMike and Tim continued on the job of piecing together panelling and wood for the servery area of the RMB. All a bit confusing as they have found some bits of window frame which don’t seem to have a home! However, there is a plan to get more of the jigsaw back in place this next Wednesday and it won’t be too long before it will be time to lay some lino.

New piece of sanding gear for CalibanAbsent from the blog for a few weeks have been reports of Howard breaking bits of Caliban‘s sanding gear. Just for once we have a photo of a new component (which Howard has made) alongside its mate and the broken piece.

Tim working on Wootton Hall's buffer beamFurther red oxide has been applied to the front frames of Wootton Hall and Tim has taken some time out from the RMB to start applying a layer of filler on the front buffer beam to cover up dimples in the metalwork caused by corrosion over the years. Keith has been busy with some of the new copper tube for the lubrication runs and it is planned to have a photo of some of this work in a future blog. Meanwhile, on a slightly smaller loco, Anthony Jolly reappeared on Wednesday after the birth of his daughter to recommence work on Fluff.

Away with the spoilOutside the shed, a Pete Marquis lorry has been steadily removing the large pile of spoil where the future FRT mess hut is to be sited. But we are told that even more spoil might land there before the mess hut can appear…!

The weekend saw some of our members in action in different locations.

Peter and Dickon with the soon-to-be-unveiled plaqueTrustee Peter van Zeller and member Dickon Chaplin-Brice are seen here on Saturday with the soon to be unveiled plaque to mark the re-opening of the railway museum at Ravenglass. Paul Atterbury unveiling the plaqueThe official opening was performed by Antiques Roadshow expert and railway author Paul Atterbury prior to a buffet lunch and a return trip to Dalegarth behind River Irt. The special was, incidentally, driven by David Moseley who was responsible for the manufacture of FR 20’s new chimney back in 1998.

Big boy with toysAlan and Alison were to be found at the preserved Kirby Stephen East Station on the Stainmore Railway which was holding a model railway event on Saturday and Sunday. As can be seen from the photo, Alan was in his element in the Station Master’s office where he was able to display his tinplate ‘o’ gauge railway in public for the first time. Appropriately, a Furness Railway train of six-wheeled coaches can be seen rounding the bend on the left hand side of the picture. Watch out - Matthew at the wheel!Alison occupied herself with the sales stand whilst young Matthew tried his hand at driving a traction engine!

5643 badgeAnd finally, whilst on the subject of the sales stand, Alison now has a splendid badge of 5643 which can be seen here. They are available at £3.95 each.

Monday 19th June 2017

There has been plenty more action this week at Preston where work on the RMB has resumed in earnest after the return of some of the gang who had defected to take holidays. John with his last door entrance to fixJohn is now sorting out the rotten floor on the last of the door entrances, although he has also indented for a day’s absence this next Wednesday. David has continued his efforts to spruce up the lino on the floor whilst Mike has repaired the last two melamine panels for the servery area by gluing new plywood on to the areas where previous strengthening had rotted. Tim has cut the first of the remaining support wood to be fastened to the frames and this work should continue this next week in preparation for fitting the melamine panels. A trial fit of various components has taken place so there is reasonable confidence that things will go back together in the right order – or are we being too optimistic? Come back Trevor!!!

Staying with the RMB, remember the ongoing battle to create a new warning sign for the new gas bottle compartment cover?
Mike unscrewing the mould frameMike unscrewed the wooden frame to reveal the mould, in fetching pink.. The successful mould revealed

Further work has taken place on Caliban where Adrian has found more rust and dust to fly around the shed – surely there must be an end in sight to this? Alan and John have continued to work on the running boards which are looking much better now.

Following the success last week of removing the rear cover on the right hand cylinder of Wootton Hall, the left hand cover has now been removed and can be seen here being cleaned up by Fred. Fred cleaning the left hand cylinder coverThere are also a couple of ‘before and after’ photos to show you what has been achieved.Before:The beforeAnd after:The after
Following the cleaning up of the front of Wootton Hall‘s frames, Matt has covered some acreage with red oxide as a prelude to further coats of paint being applied. Wootton Hall's new look at the front endAnd a £700 order for copper tube has arrived (fortunately not at David’s home this time!) to enable Keith to make up the lubrication pipework on the loco.Lots of work for Keith has arrived!

The anticipated steamings at Shildon did not in fact take place over last weekend, although this was not due to any fault with FR 20. It did, however, allow Alan and Alison the opportunity to visit Tanfield and see member Jimmy Dutton’s Hawthorn Leslie 0-6-0ST Linda in action at their Gala on Saturday.

The Iron Horse is expected back from the printer this Wednesday when it is expected to be placed in envelopes along with the paperwork for the forthcoming AGM on the evening of Tuesday, 11th July. So members should expect a fairly heavy thud on their doormats in the coming days, courtesy of the postman.