Monday 6th September 2021

A short update this week.

John Dixon fabricating a new blower ring for FR 20The new water fittings and pipework underneath FR 20’s tender have now been fitted by John Dixon who has now been concentrating his attention on fabricating a new blower pipe for the engine.

The underside of the old blower ringThe corrosion on the underside of the old blower pipe can clearly be seen.

Phil Bell arranges more panels on Fluff's bonnetThe jigsaw that is Fluff‘s bonnet continues to come together with Phil Bell assembling some more panels.

There was a stamp licking session in the mess room last Friday so members should now be receiving their copy of The Iron Horse through the letterbox. The envelope will also contain the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts for 2020 plus an invitation to the Annual General Meeting on the evening of Tuesday, 28th September.

It has always been the intention to have a social gathering to celebrate the life of the late Derek Milby. This has now been arranged at the Ulverston Brewing Company’s premises in Derek’s home town of Ulverston on the evening of Saturday, 9th October. This event will coincide with the annual Barrow Model Railway Club exhibition when many of Derek’s friends will be in the area. The premises can only accommodate 50 people so it would be helpful if any readers who wish to attend can contact Tim Owen who will liaise with the Furness Model Railway Club regarding numbers. The event will close at 10.30 pm and Live Steam will be making their first scheduled post lock down appearance.